OCC reached out to the Schneider Foundation in hopes of partnering with them during these uncertain times. With zero hesitation Schneider stepped in, stepped up, and offered their support to OCC and the Brown County Community. Schneider holds true to the ‘Schneider Way’ and took another “leap of faith” with OCC, entrusting us to support our community in a time of need.
Within 3 weeks of existence; Operation Community Cares has been delivering 50 meals a day, and that number keeps rising! This did not go unnoticed by the Schneider team.”We started with a leap of faith.”
Everybody (donors and recipients alike) involved, THANK SCHNEIDER for allowing this service to continue.
This is Schneider’s stance on their community; and they back that stance.
Their charitable giving efforts through the Schneider Way program has broadened the availability of essential items that are being requested by people in need through Operation Community Cares’ services. These items consist of specialty baby formula (which is not cheap), certain sized diapers, and laundry detergent! Schneider’s generous contribution will support hundreds of families that OCC services by supplying these items. Items that were taken for granted before COVID-19.