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Assistance Resources

Beginning June 20, Operation Community Cares will assist in locating resources for those in need


Our community, our partners, and Operation Community Cares, are moving forward and taking a step towards our new normal.  Our new normal requires sustainment; which will be obtained by moving our community clients back to agencies which are designed to operate on a daily basis. 


What does this mean to the community? 


For Food Pantry Resources: 

For Children and Family Food and Diapers:


Food and community services (For those 60+):

AGING & DISABILITY RESOURCE CENTER (ADRC) - 920-448-4300 - WI Relay 711, or visit

We could not have risen to meet the needs of Brown County residents without the support of our community partners and volunteers.


The OCC partners are also your partners!  Your community-support agencies are here to assist you and your unique needs.   

Operation Community Cares would like to thank all of the supportive community organizations, volunteers, and donors alike that assisted the community in our time of need!

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