Operation Community Cares is proudly supported by all of the Organizations that you know in the local Green Bay area (not really...but a lot of them). This maybe one of the hardest times economically in the world right now. It has stopped travel, the ability to visit your grandmother, and shutdown most socializing through the Stay-At-Home Order. A lot of people in your local community have just become unemployed/or their small business is now at risk (Department of Labor - News Release) within a week or two of uncertainty.
Regardless of the death toll that this virus takes, Coronavirus/COVID-19/SARS2, will go down in history as one of the most disrupting Pandemics that shook the planet (or economy, or society).
It is a Luxury to be essential right now. There is a large population of at-risk and elderly citizens that were dependent on others during "normal times", and within weeks lost their support because it is simply unsafe to be around people over the age of 60; or so we are told. In the non-profit world that has become more apparent than ever. Operation Community Cares has seen a rise in our requests daily, showing first-hand that people in Green Bay communities are running out of support. These people cannot leave their homes, and are distancing from family and friends completely for their own safety.
Operation Community Cares meets the needs of the local community...that is our mission (Read More Here). We are trying to promote social distancing and help those who are in need...and now newly in need. Regardless of your beliefs about the virus itself, everyone is a part of a local community that could use support at this time. #neighborshelpingneighbors #timesofneed #corona #COVID19 #lessfortunate
If we want this to get better, we need people to stay home!
You can't say enough about these awesome patrons!!!